If you have student loan debt, you are not alone. While the government used to cover much of the cost of college, particularly at public schools, most students now have to take out student loans to pay for college. The student loan crisis is a growing problem, but the good news is that there is almost always something you can do to improve your situation.
A trillion dollar problem
Almost 45 million Americans have student loan debt. Americans collectively owe over $1.75 trillion in student loan debt in 2023! Student loan debt impacts people of all ages, including an alarming number of older Americans.

Your options vary a lot depending on what type of loan you have. It is important to know this information before you can start dealing with your student loan problems.
Your rights and responsibilities are different depending on whether the loan is a federal or private loan. Even if you know you have a federal loan, it is important to know which type of loan you have, your loan servicer, and the status of your student loans.
Get started by learning more about your student loan situation.
I need more information about paying for college in the future
The information on this website is mainly for people who have already taken out student loans. There are other excellent resources if you are planning for college and thinking about how to pay for it. See our page on Planning for Future Education for more information.