A loan servicer is a company that the loan holder or owner hires to handle the billing and other services on your student loans. Your loan servicer will work with you on repayment options and will help you with other issues related to your loans. If you need help with your student loans, you should contact your loan servicer first to see if they can assist you. Loan servicers will not charge you for any help they offer you, as they are paid to manage your loans by the loan holder.
How do I find out who my loan servicer is?
There are dozens of companies that service student loans. Who your loan servicer is depends on if the loan is private or federal and who the loan holder is. Your loan servicer today may be different from the one you worked with when your loans first entered repayment.
If you have a federal student loan, you can find your loan servicer information on your Dashboard at studentaid.gov under the “My Loan Servicers” section. You can also call the Federal Student Aid Information Center (FSAIC) at 1-800-433-3243 to get this information.
If you have private student loans, you should be able to find your loan servicer information by logging in to your online account regarding your private loan, contacting your loan holder, or reviewing any documents you have regarding your private loan. If you do not know any of this information, you may be able to review your credit reports to find out who owns your private student loans and then contact that company for more help.
The Department Education works with only a few designated companies to service federal student loans that it holds (ED-held loans). Below is a list of the current loan servicers that the Department of Education uses to manage federal student loans that are owned and held by the federal government.
Changes coming to federal student loan servicers
The Department of Education is in the process of changing which companies it works with to service your federal student loans. For more information, see our page on these changes.
Federal Student Loan Servicers
Loan Servicer:
1-800-621-3115 (TTY: 1-877-825-9923 for the deaf or hard of hearing)